Kerala High Court Recruitment 2014 for 58 Assistant

Kerala High Court Recruitment 2014 for 58 Assistant: Online applications are invited from qualified Indian citizens for the post of ASSISTANT in the High Court of Kerala. The eligibility
criteria such as educational qualification, age limit, pay scale, how to apply for the above mention posts are mention below.

Important Dates:

Date of commencement of Part-I and Part-II Registration: 10/11/2014
The date of closure of Part-I Registration: 06/12/2014
The last date for remittance of application fee: 10/12/2014
Date of closure of Part-II Registration: 15/12/2014

Kerala High Court Recruitment 2014

Name of Posts: Assistant
Total Post: 58
Pay Scale: Rs.13900 -24040
Qualification: Bachelor Degree
Age Limit: Candidates born between 02/01/1978 and 01/01/1996(both days inclusive)
Last Date: 06/12/2014

Qualification for Kerala High Court Recruitment 2014

Candidates should have possess A Bachelor's degree, with atleast 50% marks for optional subjects[no stipulation of marks in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes], OR Master's Degree OR Law Degree, awarded or recognized by any of the Universities in Kerala.

Desirable:  Knowledge in computer operations

Age Limit for Kerala High Court Recruitment 2014 :

Candidates born between 02/01/1978 and 01/01/1996(both days inclusive)Candidates born between 02/01/1978 and 01/01/1996(both days inclusive)

Age relaxation for others as per rules.

Pay Scale:

Pay Scale: Rs.13900 -24040

Application Fees:

Application fees Rs.310 for the post of Assistant in Kerala High Court Recruitment 2014.
Application fees are exempted for SC/ST/Unemployed perons with Disabilities. The fees are non-refundable.

Selection process:

Selection process will be based on Written test and Interview.

How to Apply: 

Eligible candidates are required to apply only ONLINE through the website for the above mention posts.

Before apply Online, the candidates should read the detailed Notification, How to Apply, Guidelines for uploading Photograph & Signature, FAQ and Sample Application Form provided in the website.

<<see the Details Advertisement>>

Note: The details educational qualification, experience, age limit, selection process, how to apply are available in the website. Candidates are requested to see the details advertisement before apply.

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