Southern Command Pune Recruitment 2014: Application are invited in prescribed format for 1 post of sub Divisional Officer Grade-I and 25 posts of Sub-Divisional Officer Grade-III posts
(non gazeftted Group-C). The eligibility criteria such as educational qualification, age limit, how to apply, application process for the above mention posts are mention below. The last date for receipt application 30/11/2014.
Number of Vacancy: 26
Age limit: 27 years/32 years
Qualification: Matriculation/ Degree in civil engineering
Last Date: 30/11/2014
sub Divisional Officer Grade-III: 25 posts
at least 03 years experience in the respective field.
Age limit: Must have attained age of 18 years and must not attained age of 32 years
Diploma or certificate of a registered/recognised institute in survying/ Draftsmanship (civil) of not less
than 2 years
Age limit: Must have attained age of 18 years and must not attained age of 27 years
Upper age limit is relaxable 5 years for SC/ST candidates, 3 years for OBC candidates, 10 years for PH candidates. For details age relaxation see the official notification.
Eligible candidates are required to application fees Rs.100/- by demand draft and 2 self addressed envelpes of size 10cmsx22cms affixed with Rs.5 postal stamp each are required to be attached alongwith the application.
Candidates are required 2 passport size photograph duly self attested (one is to be affixed on the form and other to enclosed with the application.)
<<Click here for details advertisement>>
Note: The details Criteria such as educational qualification, age limit, selection process, how to apply, application process for the above mention posts are available in the website. Candidates are requested to see the details notification/advertisement from the website before apply.
(non gazeftted Group-C). The eligibility criteria such as educational qualification, age limit, how to apply, application process for the above mention posts are mention below. The last date for receipt application 30/11/2014.
Southern Command Pune Recruitment 2014
Name of Posts: sub Divisional Officer Grade-I and Grade-IIINumber of Vacancy: 26
Age limit: 27 years/32 years
Qualification: Matriculation/ Degree in civil engineering
Last Date: 30/11/2014
Name of Posts
sub Divisional Officer Grade-I: 1 postsub Divisional Officer Grade-III: 25 posts
Eligibility Criteria for southern Command Pune Recruitment 2014
Sub Divisional Officer Grade-I:
Qualification: Candidates have to possess degree in Civil Engineering or Diploma in Civil Engineering andat least 03 years experience in the respective field.
Age limit: Must have attained age of 18 years and must not attained age of 32 years
Sub Divisional Officer Grade-III:
Qualification: Candidates have to possess matriculation or equivalent degreeDiploma or certificate of a registered/recognised institute in survying/ Draftsmanship (civil) of not less
than 2 years
Age limit: Must have attained age of 18 years and must not attained age of 27 years
Upper age limit is relaxable 5 years for SC/ST candidates, 3 years for OBC candidates, 10 years for PH candidates. For details age relaxation see the official notification.
Application fees:
Candidates have to pay application fees Rs. 100/- by Demand Draft in favour of Principal Director, Defence Estaes, Southern Command, Punepayable at Corporation Bannk, Southern Command Branch, Pune.
Selection process:
Selection process will be based on Written test, skill test and interview which will be held on Pune/Kirkee (Maharashtra)How to apply:
Eligible candidates are required to apply in prescribed format for the above mention posts by ordinary post only at the following mention address along with a self addressed post card with Rs.5/- postage stamp.Eligible candidates are required to application fees Rs.100/- by demand draft and 2 self addressed envelpes of size 10cmsx22cms affixed with Rs.5 postal stamp each are required to be attached alongwith the application.
Candidates are required 2 passport size photograph duly self attested (one is to be affixed on the form and other to enclosed with the application.)
<<Click here for details advertisement>>
Note: The details Criteria such as educational qualification, age limit, selection process, how to apply, application process for the above mention posts are available in the website. Candidates are requested to see the details notification/advertisement from the website before apply.