How to Make Money with Email Marketing

Email Marketing is one of the online marketing techniques to earn money with your products/ services or affiliate products. You might have seen a sing up form for newsletter or subscribe form for email on many sites. If you are wondering what that is; it is the first step of implementing email marketing.

1. What is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is where you try to increase the sales by bringing visitors to your website or making them go to the landing page which brings you affiliate sales. 

Email marketing starts with the setting up of the sign up form on your home page. If you want to understand better how this works it would be a great idea to sign up to an email list and see what you receive on a regular basis.

A good email list is essential to be successful in email marketing campaigns. After you get a good list you need to start promotions which will help you in generation of Sales. You will need to use the newsletter as the medium to reach your list. To get a good list or make the visitors to subscribe to the latest updates light box or the signup email box is required on your site.

As the visitors do not get easily tempted to give their email address, you need to make them give their email id by offering them attractive bonuses like: Free eBooks which contain a variety of details on how to make money online, free PDF material on easy ways of making money or other sources which will help them to make money.

Offering the visitors with an e-course is a good way to keep in touch with them as an e-course will run for weeks instead of the usual free PDF material which will stop with a single download.
1. E-Mail List Building: 
Creating an email list is the important factor in email marketing. Not to forget building a good email list is not that easy and cannot be done overnight either. Creating a web form for subscribing is a good option which every one follows now a days. Opt-in Box for subscribing to Newsletter via email will keep you closer to your list always. 

A good title that explains the benefits of subscribing to email alerts is very critical as if you are not able to attract the visitors you cannot build a good list. With a good auto responder you will be able to introduce in the first mail about you and your website. While sending newsletter or updates keep in mind that subject is most important so as it does not go to a spam or junk folder- test with different subject lines on different free emails.
2. Make Money from the E-mail List:
Before having the idea, to earn money through the list; the first step is to engage your subscribers on the list with your newsletter. By now you would have an idea what type of target audience you have in the list. Choose a recurring payments program rather than one with a onetime sale as recurring program will generate you income every month when compared to the one time sales.

Look for a product which you can sell and is hot on the market and not programs which are available a lot and you don’t know if those will sell or not to the crowd. Try to follow the market and be at the top to know about the latest product updates. If you are the first to introduce a new product to the market, there will be a lot of sales as compared to go with a product which someone has already started.

You need to take special care when you send regular emails to your customers on the list. The news letter should be attractive and should not look like normal spam mails. It should have navigation in which it makes the visitor to stay on for a maximum time. The content of the news letter should be taken well care of as it should not be a simple mail with a lot of links; to be straight that should not look like spam mails which we get every day.

Mailing customers at regular intervals is very important to attain the rapport with the list. The approach should be balanced to attain the maximum response from them. 

Either you should not send them too many mails every days so that it may disturb them neither you should be silent without any updates for a month, you may loose them.

3. Promote Affiliate Programs: 
E-mail marketing is one of the most effective ways to make money with affiliate marketing. You need to promote affiliate programs to make some extra money apart from informing the list regarding the updates of your site. Just make sure you have built a better relationship with the list before you start affiliate marketing. Update list with new and upcoming posts, unrelated but interesting topics without links until you get rapport with your list. Slowly start doing reviews on the products which you want to sell. The reviews should be in such a way that they should try to increase the curiosity of the readers before introducing the affiliate product. 

Let it be a newsletter or a thanks mail when some subscribes to you, it should have a good content with the links embedded in the content, which always works in affiliate marketing. Automatic or manual follow ups are required to hold the curiosity among the list so that it drives them to the sales page.

You can use Mailchip which is free if you have less than 2000 list or use Aweber if you want a professional list building services. Popupdomination is the ultimate tool to get email sign

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