NSPCL Recruitment 2014: NTPC-Sail Trainee for 64 posts

NSPCL Recruitment 2014: NTPC-Sail Trainee for 64 posts: NTPC Sail Power Company Private Limited (NSPCL) invites application from eligible candidates for the posts of Diploma
Engineer Trainee, ITI Trainee, Lab Assistant Trainee . The details eligibility criteria such as educational qualification, age limit, how to apply, application process for the above mention posts.

Important Dates:

Online Registration will be start from: 3/11/2014
Last date for online Registration 30/11/2014 Midnight
Download of Admit with Roll number, test Centre and Guidelines: 26/12/2014 to 10/01/2015
Tentative date of all india: 11/01/2015

NSPCL Recruitment 2014

Name of Posts: Diploma Engineer Trainee, ITI Trainee, Lab Assistant Trainee
Total vacancy: 64
Qualification: Class 10/ITI/Diploma
Age limit: 27 years
Last Date: 30/11/2014

Name of Posts:

1) Diploma Engineer Trainee: 30 posts

Mechanical:17 posts
Electrical: 8 posts
Control & Instrumentation: 5 posts

2) ITI Trainee: 30 Posts

Fitter: 21 posts
Electrician: 7 posts
Instrument Mechanic: 2 posts

3) Lab Assistant Trainee: 4 posts

B.SC with Chemistry: 4 posts

Qualification for NSPCL Recruitment 2014

Diploma Engineer Trainee:
Candidates have to possess Diploma in related trades with minimum 70% marks

ITI Trainee:
Candidates have to possess Xth Pass with ITI in related trades

Lab Assistant Trainee:
Candidates have to possess Full time regular B. Sc. with Chemistry (Chemistry must be a
subject in final year)/ Graduate in Industrial/Applied Chemistry.

Age limit for NSPCL Recruitment 2014

For Diploma Engineer Trainee age limit is 18 years to 27 years as on 30.11.2014
For ITI Trainee age limit is 18 years to 27 years as on 30.11.2014
For Lab Assistant Trainee age limit is 18 years to 27 years as on 30.11.2014
Selection Process for NTPC-Sail Trainee posts:

Method of Application fee Payment:

A link will be provided on the website for payment which would take the candidate to www.onlinesbi after making the Registration. The candidate would then follow the instruction as given on SBI Link to complete the payment. The candidate can make payment through Internet banking/ Debit Card / Bank Challan. After making the payment a Payment Slip will be generated on screen, and candidates should take the print of that payment slip or save that.

Candidate who wish to make the payment later on should click on the link: “Acknowledgement For Registered candidates only” given on main page to: Reprint Registration Slip / To submit the Bank details and generate Registration Slip / To make the Payment of Application Fee if provisionally Registered. This information will be asked only at ONE time for completing the Application, and after that a candidate can generate and take the print of Registration Slip again (if required)

It is mandatory to submit the details of SBCollect Reference Number (10 digit alphanumeric reference number starting with DU) printed on e-receipt and deposit dates again in online portal by login through Unique Registration Number after making the payment. If a candidate fails to submit these details within due date after making the payment, his/her application shall be treated as incomplete and summarily be rejected.

Bank commission charges will be borne by the candidate. In case the candidate deposits the fee in a wrong account, NSPCL will not be responsible. Registration fee deposited after 30.11.2014 will not be valid.

Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying the application fee.

Stipend during Training:

Diploma Engineer Trainee Rs. 15500/- per month
ITI Trainee Rs. 11500/- per month
Lab Assistant Trainee Rs. 11500/- per month

Selection Process

Eligible candidates will have to undergo two hours objective type written examination / test. Based on the merit and requirement, the list of successful candidates for appearing in interview will be made available at www.nspcl.co.in

How to Apply for NTPC-Sail Trainee posts

Eligible candidates are required to apply online for the above mention posts through the website www.nspcl.co.in from 3/11/2014 to 30/11/2014.

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Note: The details Criteria such as educational qualification, age limit, selection process, how to apply, application process for the above mention posts are available in the website. Candidates are requested to see the details notification/advertisement from the website before apply.

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