Prasar Bharati Delhi Recruitment 2014:Prasar Bharati Delhi invites application for the posts of Post Production Professional,Senior Production Executive, Production Executive, Visual Graphic
Designer, Record Keeper, Senior Videographer, Junior Videographer, Creative Editor (Graphic), Senior Presenter, Presenter, Copy Editor-cum- writer, Programme Trainees, Head- Sales & Marketing, Senior Creative Editor, Sr.Sales & Marketing Executive. Educational qualification, age limit, pay scale, how to apply for the above mention posts are mention below. Last date for receipt application 21/11/2014.
Total Post: 67
Qualification: Graduate/Diploma in Related posts
Last Date: 21/11/2014
2. Senior Production Executive: 07
3. Production Executive: 08
4. Visual Graphic Designer: 04
5. Record Keeper: 03
6. Senior Videographer: 07
7. Junior Videographer: 08
8. Creative Editor (Graphic): 01
9. Senior Presenter: 03
10. Presenter: 03
11. Copy Editor-cum- writer: 05
12. Programme Trainees: 05
13. Head- Sales & Marketing: 01
14. Senior Creative Editor: 02
15. Sr.Sales & Marketing Executive: 02
For the post Production Professional candidates have to possess Professional diploma in Film and Video Editing with 3 years experience.
For the posts of Senior Production Executive candidates have to possess Graduate with professional Diploma in Radio/TV poduction with 5 years experience preferably in Rural Communication.
For the posts of Production executive candidates have to possess diploma in TV/Radio production with preference in Rural Communication.
Candidates are requested to see the post wise details qualification for the above mention posts.
Consolidated Rs.20000/-per month
2. Senior Production Executive:
Consolidated Rs.30000/-per month
3. Production Executive:
Consolidated Rs.20000/-per month
4. Visual Graphic Designer:
Consolidated Rs.20000/-per month
5. Record Keeper:
Consolidated Rs.20000/-per month
6. Senior Videographer:
Consolidated Rs.30000/-per month
7. Junior Videographer:
Consolidated Rs.20000/-per month
8. Creative Editor (Graphic):
Consolidated Rs.45000/-per month
9. Senior Presenter:
Consolidated Rs.40000/-per month
10. Presenter:
Consolidated Rs.25000/-per month
11. Copy Editor-cum- writer:
Consolidated Rs.33000/-per month
12. Programme Trainees:
Consolidated Rs.18000/-per month
13. Head- Sales & Marketing:
Remuneration will be as per qualification, experience and market trends.
14. Senior Creative Editor:
Remuneration will be as per qualification, experience and market trends
15. Sr.Sales & Marketing Executive:
Consolidated Rs.50000/-per month
<<See the Details Advertisement>>
Note: The details educational qualification, experience, age limit, selection process, how to apply are available in the website. Candidates are requested to see the details advertisement before apply.
Designer, Record Keeper, Senior Videographer, Junior Videographer, Creative Editor (Graphic), Senior Presenter, Presenter, Copy Editor-cum- writer, Programme Trainees, Head- Sales & Marketing, Senior Creative Editor, Sr.Sales & Marketing Executive. Educational qualification, age limit, pay scale, how to apply for the above mention posts are mention below. Last date for receipt application 21/11/2014.
Prasar Bharati Delhi Recruitment 2014:
Qualification: Graduate/Diploma in Related posts
Last Date: 21/11/2014
Name of the Posts:
1. Post Production Professional: 082. Senior Production Executive: 07
3. Production Executive: 08
4. Visual Graphic Designer: 04
5. Record Keeper: 03
6. Senior Videographer: 07
7. Junior Videographer: 08
8. Creative Editor (Graphic): 01
9. Senior Presenter: 03
10. Presenter: 03
11. Copy Editor-cum- writer: 05
12. Programme Trainees: 05
13. Head- Sales & Marketing: 01
14. Senior Creative Editor: 02
15. Sr.Sales & Marketing Executive: 02
Qualification for Prasar Bharati Delhi Recruitment 2014:
For the post Production Professional candidates have to possess Professional diploma in Film and Video Editing with 3 years experience.
For the posts of Senior Production Executive candidates have to possess Graduate with professional Diploma in Radio/TV poduction with 5 years experience preferably in Rural Communication.
For the posts of Production executive candidates have to possess diploma in TV/Radio production with preference in Rural Communication.
Candidates are requested to see the post wise details qualification for the above mention posts.
Consolidated Amount Per Month
1. Post Production Professional:Consolidated Rs.20000/-per month
2. Senior Production Executive:
Consolidated Rs.30000/-per month
3. Production Executive:
Consolidated Rs.20000/-per month
4. Visual Graphic Designer:
Consolidated Rs.20000/-per month
5. Record Keeper:
Consolidated Rs.20000/-per month
6. Senior Videographer:
Consolidated Rs.30000/-per month
7. Junior Videographer:
Consolidated Rs.20000/-per month
8. Creative Editor (Graphic):
Consolidated Rs.45000/-per month
9. Senior Presenter:
Consolidated Rs.40000/-per month
10. Presenter:
Consolidated Rs.25000/-per month
11. Copy Editor-cum- writer:
Consolidated Rs.33000/-per month
12. Programme Trainees:
Consolidated Rs.18000/-per month
13. Head- Sales & Marketing:
Remuneration will be as per qualification, experience and market trends.
14. Senior Creative Editor:
Remuneration will be as per qualification, experience and market trends
15. Sr.Sales & Marketing Executive:
Consolidated Rs.50000/-per month
How to Apply for Prasar Bharati Delhi Recruitment 2014:
Eligible candidates may send their detailed Bio-Data to Deputy Director Administration (Scor), Room No.109, Doordarshan Bhawan, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi-110001 by speed post with mention "Application for the position of_________for DD-Kisan Channel" as the case may be. The last date of receipt application 21/11/2014.<<See the Details Advertisement>>
Note: The details educational qualification, experience, age limit, selection process, how to apply are available in the website. Candidates are requested to see the details advertisement before apply.