Howrah District Recruitment 2014 for Supervisor posts

Howrah District Recruitment 2014 for Supervisor posts: Office of the district Magistrate, howrah invites application in the prescribed format for the post of Supervisor, Self Help Group and Self
Employment in the Blocks, Municipal and Municipal Corporation. The details eligibility criteria such as educational qualification, age limit, how to apply, application process for the posts of supervisor are mention below. Last date for receipt application 02/12/2014.

The posts are purely contractual in nature with initial appointment for 6 months renewable for further period depending upon the performance of the candidate. The selection will be done on the basis of marks obtained in Higher Secondary and Bachelor Degree (Hons) examination, proficiency in Computer Applicable and Viva-Voce. The selected candidates will be appointed by the District magistrate. The post will carry a consolidated pay of Rs.12,000 per month with Rs.1000 as fixed T.A.

Howrah District Recruitment 2014 

Name of posts: Supervisor
Number of Vacancy: 9 (Gen-4, SC-4, ST-1)
Qualification: Bachelor Degree
Age limit: 37 years
Last Date: 02/12/2014

Qualification for Howrah District Recruitment 2014 

1) Candidates have to possess minimum Bachelor Degree with Honoures in any discipline from any recognized University.
2) Candidates must have knowledge of Computer in the MS-Word, Excel, Power Point, Accounting package and reasonable typing speed. Certificate of Computer Education course of at least 6 months from recognized institution to be submitted.

Age limit for Howrah District Recruitment 2014:

Candidates upper age limit 37 years as on 01/11/2014 for General Candidates
Age relaxation 5 years for SC/ST candidates.

Residence: Candidates must be a resident of the District of Howrah.

Monthly Consolidated Amount

The monthly consolidated amount of Rs.12,000/- per month and Rs.1000/- as fixed T.A.

Job Description:

The super visor post of Howrah District will be located at Block/Municipalities/Municipal Corporation, Howrah and their services will be placed with BDO/SDO concerned who will be their Controling Officer. The selected candidates will be responsible for implementation of Self Employment Programmes and execution of work pertaining to Self-Help Groups including assessment of Self Employment opportunities and needs in respect of Block/Muicipality/Municipal Corporation
he/She is assigned.

How to Apply for Howrah District Recruitment 2014 for Supervisor posts:

Eligible candidates are required to apply in prescribed format for the posts of Supervisor.The application format are available the Howrah District website

After fill up application form along with necessary documents in support of age, educational qualification, cast, computer proficiency and place of residence to the office of the District Magistrate, Howrah by 02/12/2014.

The application must be sent only by ordinary post or to be dropped in the Drop Box kept in the Office of the District SHG & SE Department, 1st Floor, Annexed Building, Howrah Collectorate.

Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. The candidates must be superscribed on the envelope " Application for the post of Supervisor, SHG & SE".

<<See the Details Advertisement>>

Note: The details educational qualification, experience, age limit, selection process, how to apply are available in the website. Candidates are requested to see the details advertisement before apply.

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