ENCV Recruitment 2015 – Eastern Naval Command Visakhapatnam: Eastern Naval Command Visakhapatnam has published an employment notification for recruitment 227 posts:Application are invited from eligible candidates in the prescribed format for recruitment to the following posts of Cook,Civilian Motor Driver,Barber(MTS),Dhobi (MTS),Bootmarkar/equipment,Tailor(Upholster),Fire Engine Driver,Fireman Grade-ii,Telephone Operator Gr.ii,Nurse/Civilian Sister,Hostel Superintendent. The Eligibility Criteria such as educational qualification, age limit, how to apply, application process for the above mention post are mention below. The last date of receipt of applications will be 27 Feb 2015.
ENCV Recruitment 2015
Organization Name: Eastern Naval Command Naval Base, Visakhapatnam
Qualification: Matriculation
Total No.of Vacancy: 227 Posts
Name of the Posts:
Qualification: Matriculation
Total No.of Vacancy: 227 Posts
Name of the Posts:
- Cook: 14 Posts
- Civilian Motor Driver: 91 Posts
- Barber (MTS): 14 Posts
- Dhobi (MTS): 14 Posts
- Bootmarkar/equipment: 14 Posts
- Tailor(Upholster): 14 Posts
- Fire Engine Driver: 02 Posts
- Fireman Grade-ii: 53 Posts
- Telephone Operator Gr.ii: 01 Post
- Nurse/Civilian Sister: 01 Post
- Hostel Superintendent: 01 Post
Age Limit: 45 years
Pay Band: 52,200-20,200
Pay Band: 52,200-20,200
Eligible Criteria for ENCV Recruitment 2015
Age Limit: Candidates age limit should be between 18 years to 25 years for SI. No. 1,2,3,5,8 & 9 post. Between 18 years to 30 years for SI. No. 6 & 11 Posts, between 21 years to 30 years for SI. No. 7 Post, between 18 years to 40 years for SI. No. 4 post and between 18 years to 45 years for SI. No. 10 Post as on 27th February 2015. Age relaxation will be applicable as per Govt. rules. Please read official notice for more details.
Educational Qualification:
- Cook: Matriculation r its equivalent
- Civilian Motor Driver: Matriculation or its equivalent
- Barber(MTS): Matriculation or its equivalent
- Dhobi(MTS): Matriculation or its equivalent
- Bootmarkar/equipment: Matriculation or its equivalent
- Tailor(Upholster): Matriculation or its equivalent
- Fire Engine Driver: Matriculation or its equivalent
- Fireman Grade-ii: Matriculation or its equivalent
- Telephone Operator Gr.ii: Matriculation or its equivalent
- Nurse/Civilian Sister: Matriculation or its equivalent
- Hostel Superintendent: Intermediate or Higher secondary or 01 senior cambbridge or equivalent
Pay Band:
- Cook: Rs.5200-20,200 with GP Rs.1900/-
- Civilian Motor Driver: Rs.5200-20,200 with GP Rs.1900/-
- Barber(MTS): Rs.5200-20,200 with GP Rs.1800/-
- Dhobi(MTS): Rs.5200-20,200 with GP Rs.1800/-
- Bootmarkar/equipment: Rs.5200-20,200 with GP Rs.1900/-
- Tailor(Upholster): Rs.5200-20,200 with GP Rs.1800/-
- Fire Engine Driver: Rs.5200-20,200 with GP Rs.1900/-
- Fireman Grade-ii: Rs.5200-20,200 with GP Rs.2000/-
- Telephone Operator Gr.ii: Rs.5200-20,200 with GP Rs.2000/-
- Nurse/Civilian Sister: Rs.9300-34,800 with GP Rs.4600/-
- Hostel Superintendent: Rs.5200-20,200 with GP Rs.2800/-
How to Apply for Eastern Naval Command Visakhapatnam Recruitment 2015
The application should be on plain paper (A4 size) (good quality paper should be used) either neatly
hand written or typed as per the prescribed format, affixed with latest passport size colour photograph duly attested by gazetted officer in the space provided. The envelope must be superscribed on the top as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF………” and CATEGORY”…….” (I.E. SC/ST/OBC/UR/Ex-Serviceman) and sent by Registered/Speed post). The applications should be submitted to The Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief (for CRC), Headquarters, Eastern Naval Command, Arjun Block, 2nd Floor, Naval Base, Visakhapatnam – 530 014 (Andhra Pradesh).
hand written or typed as per the prescribed format, affixed with latest passport size colour photograph duly attested by gazetted officer in the space provided. The envelope must be superscribed on the top as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF………” and CATEGORY”…….” (I.E. SC/ST/OBC/UR/Ex-Serviceman) and sent by Registered/Speed post). The applications should be submitted to The Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief (for CRC), Headquarters, Eastern Naval Command, Arjun Block, 2nd Floor, Naval Base, Visakhapatnam – 530 014 (Andhra Pradesh).
Important Dates for Eastern Naval Command Visakhapatnam Recruitment 2015
- Last Date of Receipt of Application Form: 27-02-2015.
- Last Date of Receipt of Application for Remote Area: 06-03-2015