HPCL Recruitment 2014 for Graduate Apprentices:Hindustan Paper Corportion Limited (HPCL) invites application for the posts of Engineering Graduate Apprentices,
Technician Diploma Apprentices, Technician Vocational apprentices in different discipline such as Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Chemical, Electronics, Computer Science, Instrumentation, Automobile Engg, Computer Science, Office Management, Office Secretaryship, Accountancy & Auditing. Educational qualification, age limit, pay scale, how to apply for the above mention posts are mention below. Last date for receipt application 30/11/2014.
Name of Posts: Apprentices
Total Post: 61
Age Limit: 30 years
Last Date: 30/11/2014
1) Mechanical: 5 posts
2) Electrical: 5 posts
3) Civil: 3 posts
4) Chemical: 3 posts
5) Electronics: 2 posts
6) Computer Science: 2 posts
7) Instrumentation: 4 posts
Technician (Diploma Holder) Apprentices: 28 posts
1) Mechanical: 5 posts
2) Electrical: 5 posts
3) Civil: 3 posts
4) Chemical: 5 posts
5) Automobile Engg: 3 posts
6) Computer Science: 2 posts
7) Instrumentation: 5 posts
Technician(Vocational) Apprentices: 9 posts
1) Office Management: 3 posts
2) Office Secretaryship: 3 posts
3) Accountancy & Auditing: 3 posts
1) Candidates have to possess Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by a Statutory University
2) A Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by an institution empowered to grant such degree by an Act of parliament.
3) Graduate examination of professional bodies recognized by the Central
Government as equivalent to degree.
Stipend Per month Rs.3560/-
Technician(Vocational) Apprentices:
1) Candidates have to possess Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by a State Council or
Board of Technical Education established by a State Government.
2) A Diploma in Engineering or Technology by a University.
3) A Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by an institute recognized by the State Government or Central Government as equivalent to above.
Stipend Per month Rs.2530/-
Technician(Vocational) Apprentices:
Candidates have to possess A Certificate in vocational course in respective subject involving two years of study after the completion of the secondary stage of school education recognized by All India Council for Technical Education.
Stipend Per month Rs.1970/-
Upper age limit 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC candidates and 10 years for PWD candidates.
Duration of Apprenticeship training: 1 year
Schedule for test/ interview of shortlisted candidates likely to be held tentatively during last week of January 2015 will be published in the website.
<<See the Details Advertisements>>
Note: The details educational qualification, experience, age limit, selection process, how to apply are available in the website. Candidates are requested to see the details advertisement before apply.
Technician Diploma Apprentices, Technician Vocational apprentices in different discipline such as Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Chemical, Electronics, Computer Science, Instrumentation, Automobile Engg, Computer Science, Office Management, Office Secretaryship, Accountancy & Auditing. Educational qualification, age limit, pay scale, how to apply for the above mention posts are mention below. Last date for receipt application 30/11/2014.
HPCL Recruitment 2014 for Apprentices
Total Post: 61
Age Limit: 30 years
Last Date: 30/11/2014
Name of the Posts:
Engineering Graduate Apprentices: 24 posts1) Mechanical: 5 posts
2) Electrical: 5 posts
3) Civil: 3 posts
4) Chemical: 3 posts
5) Electronics: 2 posts
6) Computer Science: 2 posts
7) Instrumentation: 4 posts
Technician (Diploma Holder) Apprentices: 28 posts
1) Mechanical: 5 posts
2) Electrical: 5 posts
3) Civil: 3 posts
4) Chemical: 5 posts
5) Automobile Engg: 3 posts
6) Computer Science: 2 posts
7) Instrumentation: 5 posts
Technician(Vocational) Apprentices: 9 posts
1) Office Management: 3 posts
2) Office Secretaryship: 3 posts
3) Accountancy & Auditing: 3 posts
Qualification for HPCL Recruitment 2014 for Apprentices
Engineering Graduate Apprentices:1) Candidates have to possess Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by a Statutory University
2) A Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by an institution empowered to grant such degree by an Act of parliament.
3) Graduate examination of professional bodies recognized by the Central
Government as equivalent to degree.
Stipend Per month Rs.3560/-
Technician(Vocational) Apprentices:
1) Candidates have to possess Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by a State Council or
Board of Technical Education established by a State Government.
2) A Diploma in Engineering or Technology by a University.
3) A Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by an institute recognized by the State Government or Central Government as equivalent to above.
Stipend Per month Rs.2530/-
Technician(Vocational) Apprentices:
Candidates have to possess A Certificate in vocational course in respective subject involving two years of study after the completion of the secondary stage of school education recognized by All India Council for Technical Education.
Stipend Per month Rs.1970/-
Age Limit as on 01/01/2015
Candidates age should between 14 years to 30 years as on above mention date.Upper age limit 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC candidates and 10 years for PWD candidates.
Duration of Apprenticeship training: 1 year
Selection Process for HPCL Recruitment 2014 :
Selection process will be based on through test/ personal interview.Schedule for test/ interview of shortlisted candidates likely to be held tentatively during last week of January 2015 will be published in the website.
How to Apply for HPCL Recruitment 2014:
Eligible candidates are required to apply in prescribed format along with above mention criteria such as age, qualification, terms & condition and sent to the Deputy General Manager (HR&ES), HPC Ltd, Nagaon Paper Mill, P.O. Kagajnagar, Dist: Morigaon, Assam, PIN-782413 on or before 30th November, 2014.<<See the Details Advertisements>>
Note: The details educational qualification, experience, age limit, selection process, how to apply are available in the website. Candidates are requested to see the details advertisement before apply.