Education Department Chandigarh Recruitment 2014 for 548 Teaching Post

Education Department Chandigarh Recruitment 2014 for 548 Teaching Post: Education Department of Chandigarh has published an employment notification for recruitment Masters / Mistress (TGT). Education Department, Chandigarh Administration invites online application from eligible candidates to fill up 548 posts f Masters / Mistresses (TGT) on regular basis as per following details in the pay scale of Rs.10,300 to Rs.34,800/- plus Grade Pay Rs.5000/- (With initial Start of Rs.18,450/-) plus allowances by Chandigarh administration from time to time. Eligible candidates can apply through online from 10th November, 2014 to 2nd December 2014. Further details about Education Department Chandigarh Recruitment 2014 regarding age limit, essential qualification, how to apply, pay scale and others information are given below....

Education Department Chandigarh Recruitment 2014

Organization Name: Education Department Chandigarh.
Total No. of Vacancy: 548 Posts
Name of the post & Vacancy Details:

  1. Science (Non-Medical): 61 Posts
  2. Science (Medical): 54 Posts
  3. Social Studies: 112 Posts
  4. Mathematics: 27 Posts
  5. Music: 03 Posts
  6. Fine Arts: 82 Posts
  7. English: 46 Posts
  8. Hindi: 49 Posts
  9. Punjabi: 47 Posts
  10. Sanskrit: 19 Posts
  11. DPE: 46 Posts
  12. Home Science: 02 Posts

Pay Scale: Rs.10,300/- to Rs.34,800/- plus Grade pay Rs.5000/-

Eligible Criteria for Education Department Chandigarh Recruitment 2014

Educational Qualification: Candidates have to possess M.A/M.SC/M.Com in the relevant subject with B.Ed in 10+2+3+2+1 or 10+3+3+2+1 pattern and all the certificate regarding educational qualification should have been issued prior to the last date for submission off filled-in Application announced in the Recruitment Notification published by Education Department Chandigarh. Candidates are requested to see the details qualification from the Official notification.

Application Fee: Candidates are required to pay Rs.500/- (for General & OBC category) Rs.250/- (in case of SC candidates).

Selection Process: Two objective type of 100 Marks each will be conducted. Candidates will be selected on the basis of total marks obtined in  two tests. Qualifying marks for each test will be 40% for SC category candidates and 45% for all others candidatres. No interview will be conducted. Schedule for conduct of examination will be published in the same newspapers and will also be made available on the website by 15-12-2014.

How to Apply for Education Department Chandigarh Recruitment 2014

Eligible Candidates application can be submitted only "ONLINE" from 10-11-2014 (09.00 AM onwards) to 02-12-2014 (upto 05.00 PM) with non-refundable fee of Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- in case of SC candidates). The candidates are required to log in the website i.e. to submit the application. After receipt of online applications, list of candidates will be displayed within a week on the website.

More Details: Deails regarding qualifications, age, selection criteria, procedure for online submission of applications, mode of payment of fee, general instructions and other details are available on the website and

Click Here for Recruitment Advt.

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