Municipal Co-operative Bank Mumbai Recruitment –2014 the Mumbai municipal co-operative bank one of the leading Urban Co–operative Bank in Mumbai. Bank has issued the Employment Recruitment of Official notification (05 posts) Municipal co-operative Bank in Mumbai Invites Application foe the post of General Manager, Dy.General Managers, Asstt.General Managers, Asstt. General Manager (EDP) and System Analyst. so Eligible Candidates can Apply Through Prescribed format before15th September 2014.Important Dates :Last date of Submission of Application: 15th September 2014.Post & Vacancy details : Opening for following postsGeneral Manager : 01 postEssential Education Qualification : M.Com./C.A./I.C.W.A./M.B.A. (Finance/Banking), candidate must have passed C.A.I.I.B. of recognized University.Age limit : up to 50yearsDy General Manager : 02 postsEssential Education Qualification :Post Graduate in Commerce or Economics or C.A./I.C.W.A./M.B.A.. Candidate must have passed C.A.I.I.B. and LL.B. of recognized universityAge limit : up to 45years.Asstt General Manager : 02 postsEssential Official Qualification : M.Com./C.A./I.C.W.A./M.B.A. (Finance/Banking)
(2) Preference will be given to C.A.I.I.B./G.D.C. & A. of Recognized university .Age limit :Age limit up to 40yearsAsstt General Manager_EDP : 01 postEssential Education Qualification : B.E. or Master Degree in Computer Science or IT or M.Com. or M.Sc.of a Recognized universityAge limit: minimum 35years to maximum 50yearsSystem Analyst :01 postEssential Education Qualification :Bachelor of Engineering in Computer/ Electronics from a recognized University/ InstituteAge limit : minimum 35years to maximum 40yearsHow to Apply : The Eligible and Intrested Applicants are download to the Application form from official website of Municipal co-operative bank limited Mumbai. the given format Along with detailed Resume and Supporting relevant documents send to The Name of the post Applied should be Superscribed on the Envelop post on to the Address Post Box No. 1027, General Post Office, Mumbai- 400 001 on or before 15.09.2014.Check here : Download the official notificationcheck here : Down load the Application formClick here : Visit the official Website
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