How to Make Money with Google AdSense

The first thing that comes to the mind of webmasters when thinking of income generating programs with their websites or blogs is Google AdSense. Web publishers earn money by displaying ads on their sites. As Google is the big boss in Search Engines covering most part of the search engine market, it’s very easy for them to get the advertisers.

Google AdSense is supported in 32 languages. These are called contextual ads as the content is important source which determines as to which type of ads to be displayed on the webpage.

AdSense serves Text, image and video ads. These ads are either for cost-per-click (CPC) or cost per thousand impressions (CPM), out of which CPC ads are most preferred.

You can join Google AdSense for free, but the application will be approved only after verifying it and if your website complies with the Google AdWords terms and conditions.
AdSense for Domains:   
When you try to access a website which has only the domain name but still don’t have the website, you will see an under construction or error page. You can display AdSense ads even on the domains without website. It is a one step process where you change your name server to Google's DNS name server.

AdSense for Mobile:   
AdSense ads can even be displayed on High end mobile phones while browsing internet. AdSense currently supports iPhone and Android applications only.
AdSense for Feeds: 
You can also place targeted Google AdSense ads in your feeds: AdSense pays in two ways: by click, or by impressions.
How much do I Get Paid:   
How much you get paid depends upon the types of ads displayed and the number of clicks. Normally speaking publishers will receive 68% from the total revenue generated from your site.
How do I track my Ad Peformance:
 You can track you success by viewing your reports. Managing Channels is the best option provided by Google AdSense where you can assign a channel for each ad group and check their performance. Google Analytics is another great tool provided by Google for free to track your results.

Highlights of Google Adsense: 
A. Pop-ups and Pop-under are not allowed unlike other Advertising platforms.
B. You can block unwanted ads thus preventing your competitor ads on displaying on your website.
C. Single step AdSense code which you can easily copy- paste in your website.
Different ways to Increase the AdSense Revenues - Google AdSense Tips & Tricks
1. High competitive ads pay more. Your website content should contain high performing words so that the AdSense ads related to that keyword can be automatically displayed on your site, thus increasing the chance of getting a good click ratio.

2. Ad size and color should be perfectly blended into your website background. You have the option of adjusting the colors of AdSense ads to the color of your content, thus making it look the ads belong to the site.

3. Placing of ad units: Three ad units are allowed per page and the placing of them is very much important as the readers should not ignore them. The ideal placing will be middle, left and lower.

4. Size of Ad units: The best Ad units which have proved to be working fine are the below ones:

336×280 large rectangle
300×250 inline rectangle
160×600 wide skyscraper

5. Keep ads when you website is up and running with a good traffic rather than placing of Ads even before you get a minimum traffic. This is very useful for increasing the click ratio.

6. Experimenting always works. Even after good traffic if are not getting much revenue as expected, experiment with colors and changing of the Ad positions. This will avoid Ad blindness from regular visitors.

7. Positive user experience will make the readers visit your site again. Placing of Ads all over the page with little content will cause irritation to the reader, which will make them not to visit the site again.

8. Focus on single theme is the slogan for Google Ad Sense. Do not try to write to keep the content for different subjects. This may lead to improper placing of ads which does not relate to the content on the page.

9. Improve your key words: If you find the current keywords are not doing well in your niche, you can always upgrade your topic by incorporating some better keywords which will eventually attract high paying ads on your site.

10. Add Content Regularly: This will not only make the readers visit you site regularly, but also increases the chances of better keyword Ads to your website.

11. Test your Ads before you run them: Testing Ads will help you know if the Ads are working fine and the correct place in which you expect them to appear. You will have the chance to modify if something goes wrong.

12. Turn off your ads if you are testing with your website. This will prevent Google Ad Sense suspending your account on account of self clicks or any other related reasons.

13. Don’t put code on sites which are against Google Ad Sense T.O.S: Always comply with the Ad Sense rules otherwise they will come to know about that and will suspend your account.

14. Prefer Text over Picture:  As Google Ad Sense serves contextual ads, the ads are placed based on the content on the webpage. The software will only read the text and not the pictures.

15. No hidden text: Do not use hidden text to increase the keywords as it may hurt the whole program.

16. Never try to deceive the readers: The ads should have a clear demarcation to show which is content and which an Ad. Fooling the readers to click on the ads by placing site links very close to the ads will definitely invite trouble.

17. No made up or artificial traffic : Don’t try programs which will generate artificial traffic meaning that you have visitors who don’t read or click your ads, There will no use with these kind of visitors and even Google doesn’t like those programs.

18. Never use too much of key words: Don’t be greedy for the high paying ads to be displayed on your website all the time. Don’t try to over use the high paying key words multiple types in your content even though they are not required.

19. Never click Ads or modify Code: Never try to click your ads or ask visitors to click the Ads. Don’t modify or test with the code even though you are an expert. These are the common mistakes which attracts the account suspension.

20 Patience always pays: Don’t expect everything to go right overnight. It may take a while for you to get a steady income. It may take about three to six months to completely stabilize. During this time you need to do a lot of experimentation and see which works fine for your site.

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