How to Make Money Uploading files, movies, pictures, videos online

Making money uploading files is an easy and exciting way to make money online. It’s a simple task of uploading files and more over it’s completely free. Every time someone clicks your link and download the files you get paid. Thus you get multiple downloads for the same file and yes multiple earnings. You need to upload files which gain maximum attention from visitors like photos, videos, movies, music, TV shows and what every files you think will be a hit.

This opportunity is international and you can upload the files to get money from which ever country you like.

You get paid for uploading files in three easy steps. Create an account, upload different types of files and you get money when someone clicks and downloads your file. It is that simple.

You can also track what files are making you more money and from which countries you have more sales.

1. Upload Files: 
The first step is to upload files to a free file hosting website. You can upload files, documents, photos, videos, music, screensavers and whatever you think will get a easy download. Although most of the commonly used file formats are accepted it’s better to check with the site before uploading any content so that they don’t flag it as spam and remove them.

Basic point is that you need to upload only the files which are interesting to visitors so that they are downloaded. It’s better to upload less of quality stuff instead of uploading whatever you have on your computer. The bigger the file size the more money you will earn. Any file more than 100 Mb will bring you a decent amount. You need to customize your download page so that they look attractive.

If you are wondering you don’t have any content don’t worry. Download good content from Torrent sites, upload the same to zip folder with password. Create a text file with password separately. Put clear instructions to the user that to get the password they must visit this link and download the file. Upload these same files to different file hosing website so that you will get revenue from multiple websites.
2. Share Links: The next step is to share and promote the uploaded content on social networking sites like Facebook, twitter, YouTube, forums and Torrent sites. Look for free forums where signature is allowed with links so that you can post the links of your uploaded content.

If you are sharing your movies on YouTube then upload a 2 min movie clip and at the end put in the links and with captions saying that if you need complete download you need to click on the below links and download them. This usually works and you will have more visitors. Not to forget where ever your share the content leave good keywords as they bring in a lot of visitors from search engines.
3. Earn Money: 
There are two ways to earn money from these uploaded files:
1. This is the normal way we download files from free hosting websites. As the links are unlocked you can access the file and download them.
2. In this type the visitors have to wait for a couple of minutes before they can access and download the file. They need to take a short survey to get access to the file. So whenever a visitor takes a survey you will be paid $1 - $10 depending on visitor’s country/quality of information uploaded.
4. Tracking: 
All the file hosting websites provide you a great deal of statistical information on your uploaded files and folders. They provide you with statistical reporting tools where you can track each link, its performance like clicks and how much you got from each link.

With these tracking tools you gain valuable insights into your traffic sources and promotional methods. Which methods are actually working and bringing your visitors and which are not. You need to increase the methods which are bringing more traffic and discard those which are not bringing you any traffic.

5. Affiliate Programs: You can also earn more by referring your friends to their affiliate programs.

This is in addition to the money you earn from you file downloads. Nearly all the file hosting website has this offer for everyone.

They pay you about 10% to 12% of whatever your referrals make for the rest of your life. If you are a premium member of that site you will earn more than the standard members.

6. Payments: 
You will be paid $20 to $60 per thousand downloads for unlocked files. The money depends upon the country in which it is downloaded. You get more if a visitor from a English speaking nation downloads it. For locked download files, as the visitor need to compete a survey before downloading you earn about $1 for each download. The minimum payment for most of the sites is $10. You will be paid through PayPal, Payza, Wire Transfers, and Checks. 

Some of the sites best in this business are : Sharecash, ,
Uploading files and making money is one of the easiest ways to make money online. You just need 

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