How to Make Money Answering Questions Online

Earning money by answering questions is one of the new ways to make money online. This way of money making is different in such a way that you earn money for sharing your knowledge. Quality answers will help you to earn a lot while spam answers will result in suspension of account. You need to be cautious to see which to answer and which not to answer.

Earning money by answering questions is gaining momentum. This is based on the fact that when you search for a topic on the search engines like Google, questions and answers sites like Yahoo answers will appear on the first page of your search result. 

This is making a lot of difference by the way we earn money online through question and answer websites.

Always answer to the best of your ability and see the money coming in. Always answer to the categories you are good at rather to randomly answer all the questions even which you are not proficient in. If you answer a question right and chosen as the best answer, you answer will be indexed by the search engines and will be shown on search results up to 4 years.

Most of the question and answer sites are free to open an account where you will be paid for your activity. When a person asks a question, they wait until they get a good response. Then one of the response will then chosen as the best answer which will have the most value on that page. When the person who has asked the question has not selected the best answer, the community will choose the best answer.

The two different ways to earn money through this type of business opportunity are:
1. Making Money Directly: 
There are question and answer sites like where you get paid for all your online activity. You need to simple create a free account and start answering the questions to get paid.

When you have reached answering a particular number of questions you will then be eligible for their program, where you will be asked to create an Adsense account. After the account is approved you will then be allowed to link your Google Adsense account with WebAnswers where you will enjoy a share of the revenues generated through your Google Adsense Account.

There are even other ways of earning money online: you may be paid simply to ask a question or more based on the activity and the quality of questions and answers you provide on the site.

Apart from these you will also be eligible to get a part of the income generated (10 to 20%) from your referrals.
2. Making Money Indirectly:
This type of opportunity does not allow you to earn directly from you questions and answers but you would get the traffic from these sites by which you will be generating a stead income.

Yahoo Answers is one the good example. Even though you get points for all the activity on the site, you will not be able to convert the points to money.

The other way to monetize on these kinds of sites is to answer the questions and then provide the links of your website or affiliate links to the answer. How does it works is: You will do a good research on the keywords of your product or affiliate links. You then search for the key words matching questions in the question and answer websites.

When you find a question matching to the search terms of your product, you answer that question while leaving the URL of your website or the affiliate link. In this way you get a direct traffic from that answers for a long time.

If your question is selected as the best answer, then the search engines will index it and the best answer will be shown on the first page of that search engine. This link will remain there for about 4 years which will eventually give steady visitors, and thus giving a good leads for your product.
Important Points to remember while Answering Questions:

What you should do:
A. Share the knowledge: Answer only to the questions for which you have the answer.
B. Respect other views when you’re and other views are quite different.

C. Appreciate when you see a good answer, by selecting as the best or give thumps up.

D. Always share the source: where did you get the answer from?

E. Clear Questions: When you ask a question, let it be clear.

F. Post a question to the correct category.

What you should not do:
A. Hate or negative comments while answering questions.
B. Format: Whatever you do on this site should be either a question or answer.
C. No Spam: Don’t spam with your own links without a proper answer to the question.
D. Multiple Accounts: Creating multiple accounts will attract suspension.

These are some of the ways you can monetize on the question and answer websites. There are more techniques which can be applied to gain money online.

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